
Read Luke 18:1-8

Persistence is something that is not popular in our culture. Our culture tends to gravitate towards the painless and easy. Persistence requires exponential effort against all opposition and difficulties that come against us. It requires strength! Persistence is not for the faint of heart.

In the Christian life it requires the strength of the Lord because we cannot do it on our own. It requires the power of the Holy Spirit. In Luke 18 the persistent widow did not give up. Jesus ends the parable asking the question: “...Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Persistence and faith go hand in hand. Faith without works are dead (Ref. James 2:26) and those works require persistence. Jesus used a worldly example of what persistence can do with an unrighteous judge if we don’t give up which was highlighting all the more of what our Father in Heaven will do if we do not give up. Scripture interprets Scripture. Ask, seek and knock (Ref. Matthew 7: 7-9). Do not quit. That desire in your heart may very well be God-given. Discern it for yourself according to the Word and if it’s from Him. Many times the Lord leaves room for seeking and knocking. Will He find faith on the earth? Will He find faith in you?

Without faith it is impossible to please God (Ref. Hebrews 11:6). We believe in Jesus by faith and receive salvation by faith. We must also believe in the Lord in our daily walk and persist. Persistence requires consistency. To persist one must be constant, steadfast and unwavering in their trust and faith in the Lord. As we persist against all adversity, trials and opposition we can expect that God will bring us through. We cannot escape the reality of life because we are followers of Jesus. We will have trouble in this world but we are to take heart because Jesus has overcome the world (Ref. John 16:33). We persist in faith believing and knowing that one day we will be with Him in Heaven. We persist in our trials knowing that God will bring us out of it in due time.

Please know that whatever it is today that you are going through, for those in Christ Jesus who have received the free gift of salvation, you have nothing to fear or be worried about. Persist in prayer and in spending time with the Lord. Persist in bringing your request to the Lord. Allow the Lord to direct your desires in accordance with His Word and wait on the Lord with expectancy for His Hand to move! PERSISTENCE. Do not give up!

May His Name be praised!

P.S. If you are not in Christ Jesus and do not know Him as your personal Savior and have not made Him Lord of your life, you can today! Romans 10:9 says “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;” (NASB 1995). THIS WILL BE THE BEST DECISION YOU HAVE EVER MADE 😊. If this is you today and you made this choice our ministry would love to help you with next steps after receiving salvation. You can reach out to us at We would love to speak with you. We encourage you to find a full Bible believing church and to read the Word of God daily. Blessings to you!